Essential Ministry Leadership (EML) is a structured, practical model of leadership as God intends it to be…
…a Holy Spirit-led process
whereby a Christ-like individual
with a heart to glorify God
influences others to embrace God’s objectives
Utilizing the “Oak of Righteousness” imagery of Isaiah 61:3, EML captures the essential leadership concepts and practices found in God’s Word.
It is a framework for the life-long development of an individual leader, focusing on his or her purposes, character, roles, responsibilities and practices as ordained by God.
EML is structured around the biblical answers to four foundational questions of leadership:
“so they will be called
oaks of righteousness,
the planting of the Lord,
that He may be glorified. ”
Origins of EML
EML is the result of faithfully applying the truths of scripture to real-life challenges faced by men and women in positions of ministry leadership. It has been developed from IBL’s thirty years of experience serving alongside thousands of pastors, church staff, missionaries, ministry executives, and lay leaders. The biblical concepts contained in EML and their practical application in everyday ministry situations form the basis of our training, coaching, consulting and counseling ministries.
EML Journal
We provide an EML Journal to every leader we serve. The Journal is a practical resource to assist men and women to grow in biblical leadership. Inserts for the Journal are available below for download.