"I influence others to embrace God’s objectives."
issues of role and relationship
This area of my tree, my foliage, corresponds to the things a leader seeks to accomplish, what we seek to do as leaders. This component of leadership might seem straightforward. After all, leadership is all about accomplishing things, about getting the task done. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:58 to be “steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” These motivational words cause us to put our shoulders to the spiritual grindstone and accomplish great things for Christ. Yet, all of our labors, the good tasks we pursue with great energy, are only a means to a more important end. We will struggle if we overly focus on the task at hand and lose sight of that which God desires us to accomplish through those tasks.
In Colossians 1:28, Paul declares, “Christ we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” The work, the tasks, we are to be accomplishing as leaders all involve influencing others towards God’s objectives. Many leaders focus on tasks at the expense of the people they are seeking to influence, and thereby miss their ultimate objective even as they check off the items on their task list.
“Christ we proclaim, warning everyone
and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ”
How are you doing with regard to influencing others? Are you building the people on your team (2 Tim 2:2)? Are they better off in God’s eyes for having been under your influence and ministry? Are you moving people towards God’s vision for them (Prov 29:18)? Are you addressing the pressing needs of your people (1 Thes 5:14)? Lastly, and most importantly, are you investing in your own spouse and family (1 Tim 3:2,4-5)? How many leaders do you know personally who have missed God’s desire for them because they short-changed their families? If you are married, your marriage is your most important earthly relationship… God forbid that we sacrifice it on the altar of ministry.
learning & assessment resources to increase impact
- I1 the roles entrusted to me
I pursue God’s call for my people
- I10 the biblical basis for planning
- I11 the value of ministry values
- I12 developing a Holy-Spirit-led vision
- I13 establishing long-range ministry plans
- I14 succession planning
I address the pressing needs of my people
- I20 the marks of engaged leadership
- I21 relational sin
- I22 dissension
- I23 tale-bearing and related sinful behavior
- I24 keeping the church pure
- I25 responding biblically to a leader’s fall
- I26 seeking and granting forgiveness
- I31 decision-making
- I32 managing conflict
- I33 fact versus inference
- I34 problem solving
- I35 essentials versus convictions versus preferences
- I36 generational distinctives
- I37 the silent force –listening skills
- I38 managing differences of opinion biblically
- I39 dealing with difficult and disruptive people
I build the people on my team
- I50 biblical basis for co-laboring team ministry
- I51 team development
- I52 mentoring the people on your team
- I53 laboring in harmony–the use of norms in team settings
- I54 biblical principle of consensus
- I55 styles of leadership
- I56 a leader’s bent in a team
- I57 a leader’s example in the team
- I58 giving and receiving feedback
- I59 conducting effective meetings
- I60 the roles of bishop, elder, overseer, and deacon
I invest in my spouse and family
- I80 biblical masculinity–the roles of a husband
- I81 biblical femininity–the roles of a wife
- I82 boundaries & balance between home and ministry
- I83 divorce and remarriage
- I84 biblical communications
- I85 strengthening my communication
- I86 sexual purity
- I87 parental goals