Lesson Block I—IBL Ethos
This lesson block covers the key background material for understanding the heartbeat of IBL, what we refer to as the ethos of IBL. These are the things that make IBL, IBL; that characterize IBL ministry and distinguishes IBL from other organizations that provide similar services.
Background Reading
Mission Drift by Peter Greer and Chris Horst
Though not essential to understanding IBL’s ethos, the book, Mission Drift by Peter Greer and Chris Horst, highlights the critical importance of faith-based organizations maintaining fidelity to their founding principles. Without consistent, deliberate attention to their organization’s original intent, leaders will inevitably introduce drift into the organization, and it will eventually become ineffective and sometimes even damaging to Kingdom work. This book provides practical insight into how ministries can remain faithful to God’s desires for them.
As IBL grows the size of our team and the reach of our ministry, we must regularly take deliberate steps to remain faithful to what makes us unique and impactful.
Lesson 1—Vision (10-20 minutes)
Background & Goal:
IBL continues to operate in pursuit of our founding vision. All aspects of our ministry with God’s leaders are aligned to this original direction set by God in IBL’s early days. Anyone serving in IBL needs an explicit awareness of our vision, to avoid inadvertent mission drift.
Read: IBL’s Vision on our website
Reflect: Note any questions you may have about our Vision and how it informs our ministry.
Lesson 2—Values (15-30 minutes)
Background & Goal:
IBL’s values form the foundation of our ethos: what we do and how we do it. Like our vision, our values were established in the first year of IBL’s existence and continue to shape the execution of our four services.
Read: IBL’s Values on our website, directly under our Beliefs
Reflect: Note any questions you may have about our Values and how they are reflected in our work with God’s leaders.
Lesson 3—Mission (10-20 minutes)
Background & Goal:
As stated in our vision, we are burdened to make a difference in the lives and ministries of God’s leaders. This requires us to have a clear understanding of the real-life challenges faced by leaders and the most effective ways to come alongside them and exhort them to become as God desires.
Read: IBL’s Services Overview on our website
Watch: A Discussion of IBL’s Mission (CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Respond: Who has been most influential in your own growth as a leader?
How did they come alongside you and have impact?
What key lessons did you learn from them?
Lesson 4—Elevator Speech (15-20 minutes)
Background & Goal:
It is important that each person representing IBL to clients, partners, and supporters tell a consistent story of who we are and what we do.
Review: The IBL Elevator Speech (what to say about IBL in one minute)
Watch: Elevator Speech
Respond: Take a few minutes to personalize the IBL Elevator Speech to better “take ownership” of it and make it sound more like you.
Lesson 5—Overview Discussion (45 minutes)
Background & Goal:
The first four lessons in this block provide a high-level overview of IBL. This session allows for discussion and Q&A of this foundational information.
Participate: Check with your training coordinator to set a time for a group online discussion of lessons 1 through 4. Join the scheduled discussion on the overview of IBL: our Vision, Values, Mission, and Elevator Talk. Bring your questions and feedback.
Lesson 6—The Character of IBL Ministry (30-45 minutes)
Background & Goal:
Derived from our vision, mission, and values are six ministry traits which are reflected in each of our services. When we speak of “the ethos of IBL,” these traits are at the forefront of our mind. They are what makes IBL’s services unique.
Read: The Ministry section of IBL’s Ethos
Watch: IBL’s Ministry Traits
Reflect: Note any questions you have about the six ministry traits.
Lesson 7—IBL’s EML Applied Theology of Leadership (30-45 minutes)
Background & Goal:
One of the ministry traits we discussed in the prior lesson is “EML-Framed.” All our services strongly leverage the EML, our applied theology of leadership.
Read: The following Leadership sections on IBL’s website:
The EML Framework
Why Do I Serve?
Who Am I?
What Effect Do I Have?
How Do I Lead?
Watch: EML Overview
Respond: Take ten minutes to identify approximately five important aspects of leadership based on your ministry experience. For each item you have listed, identify the part of the EML Tree to which it corresponds. Are there any that don’t seem to fit into the tree?
Lesson 8—IBL’s Services (30-45 minutes)
Background & Goal:
In this lesson we begin to explore the practical details of our four ministry services.
Read: In IBL’s Ethos, read the section, Specific Ministry Services.
Watch: A Discussion of IBL’s Services, with DavidP, DaveD, and DawnP (CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Respond: If a ministry leader comes to you and asks, “I need help; can IBL help me?” how would you go about determining whether and how IBL can help?
Lesson 9—Ministry Discussion (45 minutes)
Background & Goal:
We discuss the material presented in Lessons 6, 7, and 8 regarding IBL’s four ministry services.
Participate: Check with your training coordinator to set a time for a group online discussion of lessons 6 through 8. Join the scheduled Zoom discussion on the ministry services of IBL. Bring your questions and responses.