In the past decade God led us to establish long-term partnerships in several countries on the cutting edge of Kingdom advancement. These partnerships enable us to provide IBL’s unique side-by-side training, consulting, and coaching ministries to national pastors and other church leaders. God is greatly blessing our labors, as reflected in the lives and ministries of those we are serving.
In India, we recently began a three-year leadership training program with evangelist and Master Trainer Anant Jeevan, Director of the GAP Foundation in Lucknow, India (GAP stands for “God Answers Prayer”). Our approximately seventy Indian church planters and evangelists are the most enthusiastic and hungry-to-learn students that we have ever trained. They bless us even as we invest in them.
The majority of the costs of our India program is being covered by an American church with a heart for India; we are most grateful for their generosity. Nevertheless, IBL does incur some miscellaneous travel and personnel costs that are currently unmet. Can you meet this need so that this ministry is fully supported? Click on the DONATE TO INDIA button if you can help.
Progress Towards Our Goal
IBL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your donation. In keeping with legal and tax requirements, all donations are subject to the control of the IBL Board of Directors, including its variance power.