Keith & Sarah Fleming
Their daughters Kate & Anna
Praise God, the IBL team is growing again!
In 2020, God led Dave Deets to join our team, and he has been a great addition as we expand our side-by-side work with God’s Leaders. Now, in 2021, we anticipate additional blessings as God is leading Keith and Sarah Fleming to join with us.
Keith Fleming currently serves as the Executive and Missions Pastor of Brookside Baptist Church in Brookfield WI. Lord willing, the Flemings will transition mid-year, joining us in the Carolinas. Keith’s background in executive ministry leadership, missions oversight, and business administration will be a great asset to IBL.
Keith will initially focus on the role of Ministry Executive, learning to effectively execute our training, coaching, consulting and counseling ministries, especially our international training programs in the majority world. In that capacity Keith will be responsible to develop self-reproducing pastors and church leaders: men who effectively lead their congregations and intentionally disciple the next generation for leadership roles in the church.
As a second stage, we anticipate Keith utilizing his administrative experience to augment the operational aspects of the ministry. Keith will be a great asset as we continue to increase our reach, effectiveness, and impact.
Keith and Sarah have two daughters, Kate and Anna. Kate is a senior in High School. She has been on the volleyball team for seven years, she plays piano, violin, guitar, ukulele, and sings in the choir. Anna, is a junior. She has been on the volleyball team for seven years and the soccer team for two years. Both girls have been active in doing mission trips and regularly serve in various ministries of their church.
Welcome Keith and Sarah! And thank you, Brookside, for your affirmation of the Fleming's step of faith and your continuing partnership with us. We are thrilled to have Keith join our team and with what God has in store for him, his family, and IBL.